Understanding the Fields Contained in the Orders View
Orders can be seen as invoices in Finexio and are simply the line items that you submit to us in your payment files. The primary source for the data displayed is the buyer submitted payment file.
Invoice Number - A value provided by the buyer that contains the supplier invoice number
File Name - The name of the payment file this order was included in
Payment Status
- Received - Orders for payment received by Finexio
- Initiated - Orders accepted and instructions sent to the payment processor
- Processing - Payment processor received instructions
- Funded - Funds for payment received by the processor
- Sent - Payment sent to the supplier
- Complete - Payment received by the supplier
- Stopping - A request has been made for the payment to be stopped
- Stopped - Confirmation that the payment has been stopped
- Refunded - Payment has been refunded to the buyer
Latest Update - The time at which the payment moved to the latest status as shown in Payment Status (ex. if Payment Status shows Sent, Latest Update will read the time at which the payment was sent)
Payment Method - Method by which the payment will be sent to the supplier (PrintedCheck, ACH, Card, Wire)
Order Datetime - The date & time at which the payment file was submitted to Finexio
Buyer - The specific buying organization for the customer
This value is user-defined, and in some cases, represents a subsidiary. Many buyers may be enrolled for each customer, and many suppliers may be enrolled for each buyer.
Supplier Name - The business name of the supplier
Reconciliation ID - (formerly Payment ID) A value provided by the buyer in the payment file
Supplier ID - The supplier identifier
This value is user-defined.
Invoice Amount - The dollar amount on the invoice that is to be paid to the supplier
Invoice Date - The date of the supplier invoice to the customer
Invoice Due Date - The date the invoice payment is due to the supplier
Note / Memo - This is the text note field of the payment file
Order Reference ID - A unique ID created by Finexio to track individual payments
Payment Check Number - The number of the check (if applicable)
Payment UUID - A unique ID created by Finexio to track individual payments